Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kings Mt.

Last night I was able to scoot out of work at about 3:30 and hop on
the bike to meet some co-workers to ride up Kings Mt. I jammed over
there down El Camino, up Whipple, over to Jefferson which turns into
Farm Hill Road. This hill is actually pretty tough. Not terrible long,
but you do need to get over the small range to get to Canada. I had to
work my way through the community college to get over to Canada Road
but I was able to get to my co-workers just as they were parking.
Pumped some tires and up the hill we go.
For those who don't know Kings Mt, it is about a 4 and change mile
climb just north of 84. It is slightly less steep and slightly longer
than Old La Honda. My fastest up OLH is ~17min and up Kings is ~23.
But I would say that Kings is a better test of race readiness since
most NCNCA races' climbs are not quite as steep as OLH.
We cruised the climb in ~34 min and then came down very carefully
since the sun had set about 30 min before.
I through the shoe covers on and jammed over to Rissoti's for a steak
sandwich and a steak sandwich (actually the first sandwich was
chicken, but if you are a Fletch fan you know I cannot resist the
opportunity to talk about steak sandwiches).

Today I have a "disaster recovery day" at work, which could in theory
give me the chance to get a huge ride in. But I have decided to be a
good son/brother and will spend some time with my mom and sister
instead. There will be plenty of time for epic rides. And since 2009
is right around the corner it seems like a natural "no more BS"
starting point.

2009 will be great. I would like to say "winner winner chicken dinner"
a few more times. 3 in 2008. How does 9 in '09 sound...?

Monday, December 29, 2008

IMAZ Photos

A fun day in the sun. But you couldn't tell by some of the looks on my face.

Just a few more days until 2009. I think we all know it will be better
than 2008. But I guess that is really up to each of us.


Cool Pic...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nobody Else in the Photo!

Words to live, train, and race by in 2009!

Merry Christmas


Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Winter "training" is coming along smoothly. Last week a started the
100 runs in 100 days challenge on slowtwitch.com. I am admittedly
behind pace as I have not run everyday. But since there is rain on the
horizon for the next 10+ days, I can do double runs.

Monday: Run (5) and Lift
Tuesday: Lift and Swim (3700m)
Wednesday: Ride (40)
Thursday: Run (6) and Lift
Friday: Nap
Sat: Ride (Kook, 70) won the Nicasio Sprint
Sun: 45 min snowshoe and Run (5)


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The need for speed! And support!

After putting up ok bike results for the last couple years I made a
late season switch to triathlons in 2008. Finally the results I have
been looking for. In tris (except ITU) it is you versus the course and
the competition has the same challenge. They can't just sit on your
wheel for a free ride.

Since I have put up some good results in late 2008 some sponsor
interest is heading my way. With the help of Chris Hauth (Olympic Club
member, pro and Ironman Champion) he has connected me with Sailfish
wetsuits. This will be a great relationship as they work both in cold
water wetsuits and warm water "speed suits" for Kona. I look forward
to being a great brand ambassador for Sailfish and helping them get
great traction in the US for 2009.


More to come on the sponsor side. Nutrition is getting nailed down and
will begin talks regarding equipment and coaching next week.


PS I swam first workout last night. Good to be back and am happy Lee,
Dean, and Danielle were there. I don't think the motivation is there
to do solo swim workouts in December...

Monday, December 15, 2008

3 weeks is enough right?

So it has been three full weeks since my Ironman and the fun is over.
A few too many adult beverages, too much junk food, and not enough
training. I'd have to say that I am not really content with a handful
of things in my life right now. And since the one thing I have most
control over is my training (includes eating and recovery) I have
decided that enough is enough. It was a fun 3 weeks but I have more
fun racing and feeling good. Therefore I have decided to ramp it back
up a couple weeks early.
- I will train everyday
- I will eat healthy
- No unproductive drinking (a tad vague I know)
- 30 mile min per week running
- 10,000 meter min swim per week
- 200 mile min ride per week
- 2 lifts min per week


Winter "training"

Saturday Hal and I drove out to Orinda to ride with Gary from Capo.
Uthman Ray IV, whom I know from racing and a training camp, was there
as well. It was pretty darn cold and I really wished I had some
gloves. Maybe Santa is reading.
We cruised out to Livermore and back avoiding all rain. It was an easy
conversational pace the whole time.
Sunday was the Christmas Relays. A 4 man team with each person doing
one 4.46 mile loop around Lake Merced. I was volunteered to go
lead-off, thanks Paul. Matt Talbot and I joked that we should just
hang on Thomas I.'s heals and give him a hard time but when the gun
went off, the juices were flowing. I stuck with the lead pack for most
of the first mile before we all blew to smithereens. I needed to reign
it back a bit or else it was gonna get ugly. Finished in a solid 25
flat for a 5:36 pace which really wasn't too bad but it did hurt. And
yes, a new blood blister on my left foot.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Friday was my first lifting session in over a year. I am still sore as
a two dollar "...".
My plan is to lift Dec and Jan hard with light running and decent
riding. Then from Feb to Aug do light lifting for maintenance.

Squats, Romanian Dead lifts, one legged leg press, pull ups, rows,
triceps, biceps, bench press, shoulder press, leg curl, leg extension,
and a bunch of abs and back raises.

Hopefully the soreness goes away. Round 2 today or tomorrow.


Weekend Riding

As I slowly recover from the IM I have decided to only ride the bike
on the weekend for the month of December. On Sat I headed out to do
the Kook ride but got stuck talking to a friend at Peet's on Chestnut.
I was about 12 min back so I had to hammer to catch up. By the time I
reached them Brock had already got fed up with the slow pace and took
off. I road with the Fusion guys for a while but I was obviously
under-dressed and was getting cold. I stopped at the roastery in
Fairfax to warm up and decided to head home. On my way I ran into Mike
McCarron and his friend Pia who were out for a ride. I figured if I
was cold I could ride and talk to them and I wouldn't think of the
weather. Headed out toward Nicasio and then took the right on Lucas
Valley Road to start the march home. That is a good road to ride, but
a few too many cars.
As we made it out toward the summit Pia's rear derailleur cable
snapped so she was stuck in the 39x12. She is a pretty strong rider
but that gear is too much for just about any girl. So after a quick
raise of her seat and lowering of mine, we did a bike swap. Boy was
her bike nice. She is on a first generation R3. Comfortable, stuff,
fast. Not as aero as the soloist but very nice. I would have to say
nicer than my trek.
Long story, short. I rode her bike all the way back to the city. Good
deed done for the month of December.

Sunday was the Occidental All Club ride. The OC had about 10-12 riders
out there. Drew and Brock rode up from the city so they already had
70+ miles in there legs. It is a really nice route. Down the Russian
River, south down the coast, and then head back up out of Bodega Bay.
It warmed up by the noon start so it was a beautiful day. On the last
climb it was Romjue, Bill from Lombardi's and myself. The plan was to
lead Romjue out but he didn't quite have the pop he wanted. I sprinted
to the top stop sign and then sat up, with a comfortable 20+ yards on
Bill. As I soft pedal Bill sprints by me "finish line is up here"...
Oh really? I just beat you by 20+ meters... Was he going to sprint
until he caught me no matter where we were. Drew, Brock and I decided
that our new Sat goal is to make sure Bill never wins a Nicasio
sprint. Seeya Sat.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Off season and donuts

About a week and a half after my race and I still have a few pains
here and there. There is one part of my right foot that is hurting
pretty bad still and I am beginning to get worried that it is injured
rather than just hurt.

One benefit of having a good race is that you get to take some time
off at the end of a very long season. When I broke my arm July 1st of
'07 my off season started early. That meant that I was able to ramp up
the base mileage early and be ready to race come Jan/Feb. Starting
with Early Birds in Jan, a 1:19 1/2 marathon on Super Bowl Sunday and
the year was off and running. It did not really go as planned as a few
things distracted me in the early part of the year. I did not put up
the results that I had expected or hoped for. A few top tens and that
was about it. The low point was Copperopolis RR. I was riding
reasonably strong hanging with some climbers that usually drop me. On
the second lap I bridged back to the lead group and took a break to
grab a GU. Bam! on the ground. Shoulder jacked up. And about a 45
minute drive to the ER, by myself. My mom and sister ended up finding
me downtown Stockton at the ER and they drove me home. A small tear in
the labrum and my season was put on hold.

A few ok races followed in the summer but never really got it back.
Given this poor/weak performance I decided to sign up for the Hood To
Coast with some great guys from the Olympic Club. It really energized
me to ramp my running up. Then a few good tris, running races, and
then the IM. It couldnt have gone better.

But now I am eating donuts because its the off season. The holiday
party for work is tommorrow that will be my last feast. I am really
motivated to have a great year in 09 so the off season is almost


P.S. Looking for sponsors. I will keep you updated as news comes out.