on the weekend for the month of December. On Sat I headed out to do
the Kook ride but got stuck talking to a friend at Peet's on Chestnut.
I was about 12 min back so I had to hammer to catch up. By the time I
reached them Brock had already got fed up with the slow pace and took
off. I road with the Fusion guys for a while but I was obviously
under-dressed and was getting cold. I stopped at the roastery in
Fairfax to warm up and decided to head home. On my way I ran into Mike
McCarron and his friend Pia who were out for a ride. I figured if I
was cold I could ride and talk to them and I wouldn't think of the
weather. Headed out toward Nicasio and then took the right on Lucas
Valley Road to start the march home. That is a good road to ride, but
a few too many cars.
As we made it out toward the summit Pia's rear derailleur cable
snapped so she was stuck in the 39x12. She is a pretty strong rider
but that gear is too much for just about any girl. So after a quick
raise of her seat and lowering of mine, we did a bike swap. Boy was
her bike nice. She is on a first generation R3. Comfortable, stuff,
fast. Not as aero as the soloist but very nice. I would have to say
nicer than my trek.
Long story, short. I rode her bike all the way back to the city. Good
deed done for the month of December.
Sunday was the Occidental All Club ride. The OC had about 10-12 riders
out there. Drew and Brock rode up from the city so they already had
70+ miles in there legs. It is a really nice route. Down the Russian
River, south down the coast, and then head back up out of Bodega Bay.
It warmed up by the noon start so it was a beautiful day. On the last
climb it was Romjue, Bill from Lombardi's and myself. The plan was to
lead Romjue out but he didn't quite have the pop he wanted. I sprinted
to the top stop sign and then sat up, with a comfortable 20+ yards on
Bill. As I soft pedal Bill sprints by me "finish line is up here"...
Oh really? I just beat you by 20+ meters... Was he going to sprint
until he caught me no matter where we were. Drew, Brock and I decided
that our new Sat goal is to make sure Bill never wins a Nicasio
sprint. Seeya Sat.