Saturday Hal and I drove out to Orinda to ride with Gary from Capo.
Uthman Ray IV, whom I know from racing and a training camp, was there
as well. It was pretty darn cold and I really wished I had some
gloves. Maybe Santa is reading.
We cruised out to Livermore and back avoiding all rain. It was an easy
conversational pace the whole time.
Sunday was the Christmas Relays. A 4 man team with each person doing
one 4.46 mile loop around Lake Merced. I was volunteered to go
lead-off, thanks Paul. Matt Talbot and I joked that we should just
hang on Thomas I.'s heals and give him a hard time but when the gun
went off, the juices were flowing. I stuck with the lead pack for most
of the first mile before we all blew to smithereens. I needed to reign
it back a bit or else it was gonna get ugly. Finished in a solid 25
flat for a 5:36 pace which really wasn't too bad but it did hurt. And
yes, a new blood blister on my left foot.