Monday, January 10, 2011

How to be ready for more each day, Extreme Endurance

Here is the plan for 2011:
Seems simple, doesn't it? To be able to do this day in and day out I need to stay healthy and be able to wake each morning to both physically and mentally meet and exceed expectations on each training session planned every day. Nutritional supplementation is a great way to enhance recovery and health so that each day of training can be as productive as possible.

Since my goals for 2011 and beyond are extreme, Extreme Endurance was a natural choice to explore. After hearing Sandy on an IMTalk podcast during a training ride I put in an order for a trial month. I am happy I did so because at that time I was embarking on my first week of full-time training under coach Paulo Souza as a member of his Pro Triathlon Squad.
The three products I use on a daily basis are the Extreme Vital 40 daily multi-vitamin +, the Extreme Omega 3 daily essential oil, and their signature lactic acid buffering supplement, Extreme Endurance.

Let's take a look at each:

Extreme Vital 40 helps me be sure that I am keeping all of my vital minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients above minimum levels. With the quantity and quality of my daily training I deplete levels of vital nutrients regularly and being confident that I am able to top off each on a daily basis is vital. Of course eating a balanced and healthful diet is important, but using Vital 40 to cover anything I miss is reassuring.

Extreme Omega 3 is a daily essential oil supplement which helps reduce inflammation from intense training. And that is just the direct training benefit. Other studied benefits of Omega 3 oils include improving brain function, joint function, and promotes health skin and eyes. This last point is quite important for someone in the sun as often as I am.

Finally, the key supplement of the company is Extreme Endurance. Some of the benefits I and other athletes have enjoyed include: buffered exercise-induced acid, quicker recovery times, and reduced muscle pain.

Since beginning my Extreme Endurance regimen I have had 6 of my 7 highest run mileage weeks in a 9 week period, with each week being more effective than the last. In the coming weeks I will be at a 2 week, intense training camp with 15 other pros training hard each day. This will be yet another test for Extreme Endurance. I am confident I will come out of the camp healthy, fitter, and faster.